We're so excited to glean some approachable Ayurvedic wisdom from Andrea.  Ayurveda is yoga's sister science for wellness and health in our bodies and souls.  Traditionally, getting your lifestyle and digestion optimized came before embarking on a physical yoga practice.  Either way, the time is now to inquire into what we eat, how we eat, how we structure our days, finding ritual in the routine, and living more deeply interconnected in the world.  If you're ready, here are the details:

Sundays from 3:30-5:30p

Meeting at Numi Yoga to cozy up on a video call with Andrea.  Course will include readings, homework, and discussion.  More details to come.

4/23 ~ Fearless Self-Love:  Yoga, Meditation, and Ayurvedic practices to nourish your body, mind, + spirit.

4/30 ~ Steady As She Goes:  Make your self care a daily ritual - get help creating routines to start your day with Ease.

5/14 ~ Digest To Impress:  Eating for optimal digestion helps us receive the nutrients we are preparing in our food (and, um, not to mention helps with elimination, skin clarity, etc.).


Andrea Catherine’s passion is cultivating communities of fearless self-love and self-care. As a Hatha Yoga Instructor and Ayurvedic Health Counselor, her ever-evolving work is sparked and sustained by people eager to transform their lives to flourish as grounded, joyful, at ease, and at home in their health, grounded here. Andrea and her pup, Porter, love to get lost on Montana roads and find themselves swimming in reservoirs, hearing live music, and smiling at the mountains.

Follow her adventures on InstagramFacebook and Twitter or via her newsletter.