Dear Mom +/ Dad,

I'll make it easy for you.  All I want for (Christmas/Hanukkah/New Years) is a Numi Terps Pass.  I can get unlimited yoga for a whole semester for under $3/day.  In terms of preventative medicine, I think this is a great deal.  It is certainly cheaper than supporting my coffee habit or those 5-hour energy drinks.  And I think yoga will even decrease my stress levels.  At least I'll be doing more than sitting hunched over my books and computer all day.  

Your favorite child,


Dear Mom +/Dad,

I know you've been pushing me to get out of the books and get to know people.  I noticed that there are a lot of attractive and kind people heading in Numi Yoga these days.  I think if you bought me a Terps Pass at Numi for (Christmas/Hanukkah/New Years), I could really meet someone special.  And maybe I'll even be able to do a push-up next summer.

Lonely at school,