Hello and welcome!
Here is our summer resource for you to add to your travels, changing schedule, and our modified online schedule. I hope these recorded videos (more will be added over the summer) and audio files will support your practice. Below are (in order): video movement classes, audio movement classes, and then audio meditation offerings.
Hopefully we will see you soon in our outdoor classes (in University Park and College Park on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday)!
Movement Classes:
This 40 minute flow class focuses on grounding while moving through some of our favorite warm up and standing postures.
This 60 minute Restorative Yoga class can help you settle your mind and your body. Grab a pillow and a few blankets and maybe a chair/couch/bed nearby to enjoy this intentionally slow yoga practice.
In this 60 minute align/form class we set up a foundation of strong work in the legs (co-contraction) and move through poses to help with areas most of us are tight in: legs and hips. You can expect to stretch your feet and ankles, stretch your hamstrings laying on your back, open your hips in a figure 4 stretch, and visit down dog at the wall.
Suitable for beginners and advanced students.
This 60 minute align class explores key actions for strong legs and moving hips in yoga's lateral standing poses like warrior 2, triangle, and extended side angle pose.
Appropriate for beginners and more advanced students.
Building off strong legs and hips, this 60 minute class adds key elements of twisting that we practice in seated postures, standing poses (like warrior one) and on our backs.
Suitable for beginners and those building depth.
In this fourth (60m) class, we explore the movement of the shoulders - elevation, depression, protraction, and retraction - and how these movements aid in creating...
This 75 minute class focuses on forward folds and twisting in the midst of a full spectrum intermediate practice. The sequence is based off of work by Christina Sell in her Asana Junkies series!
This is a 70 minute intermediate class that moves through a variety of poses and categories (a little bit of everything). Sequence based on Christina Sell's Asana Junkies.
This 60 minute class practices key actions and prepares the body for Parighasana, Gate Pose. We also talk about the inner work of approaching thresholds and times of transition.
Level: Beginners and those building depth.
This 75 minute intermediate practice includes preparatory shapes and drills for twisting arm balances like parsva bakasana (side crow) and eka pada koundinyasana 2. The sequence is from Christina Sell’s Asana Junkies series.
This 60m class uses shoulder movement and side body length to help us stretch our spines into extension. Think - help that computer and driving shape to mix it up!