We are all on a learning curve when it comes to shifting our lives and relationships into a more technology centric world. And, at Numi Yoga, as we move our classes and community online, we want to do what we can to help you transition with us. Here are some helpful steps for registration, setting up your class, and what you can expect in an online setting with us.
We are so lucky that our software pivoted into this pandemic season with us and was ready to integrate streaming links into our software. For you, that means you can use our schedule system to register for classes like always:
LOG IN (top left of schedule widget)! This is so important so the system knows who to let in for classes!
Register and purchase what you need for class.
Set up a Zoom.us account on your device before class.
Return to the schedule up to 15 minutes before class. Make sure you are still logged in. The link that used to say “Register + Pay” will now say “View Broadcast” if you are logged in and paid. Click that link to join us through Zoom.
Our teachers will do their best to open class 15 minutes before start time so that we still have time to connect and ask questions.
You do not have to have your video or audio on to participate in class. It is encouraged to show up in some form before class to continue to build human connections while we are away. We also understand that you may not have a private space to practice or for any reason right now would prefer to be more solo.
Please reach out to hello@ numiyoga .com with any questions! We do our best to be available, and we are all at home with families and kids as well. Thanks for your patience.
See you in class, soon!
art by @harmonywillowart
You do NOT need to have any fancy yoga props to practice from home with us. We recommend a clear area, maybe near a wall and any creative options you have for a strap (scarf/belt), blocks (books/chairs), blankets, and pillows.
You have everything you need already.