Embark Within (separate, and together).

This is one of many beginnings, or the beginning of a new chapter in an ongoing inquiry. We embark together during this uncertain season with a unified desire to remain anchored in the work of self-knowing and its resulting community awareness.

As individuals, we will select a practice or a small handful of practices to which we are committing to cultivate a relationship. As a group, we will meet to encourage, listen, and grow.

What is a practice?

You might choose a yoga practice of meditation or movement, or maybe something else all together (writing, painting, listening, etc.). You will commit to creating time and energy for this activity as an entry point into self-study. When we repeat an action over time, we have the opportunity to see ourselves changing and growing (not always in a linear way).

What can I expect?

This process (like all inner work), is mainly self guided. I will provide themed modules for you to complete. Each module might include a meditation, reflection questions, selected readings, and/or an exploration of movement connected to our theme. This content is all optional, I encourage you to take what you can use and grow from and leave the rest to compost :).