ENGAGE: Deeper Studies Program
Thursday evenings (bi-weekly) from October 2019 through May 2020.
Join Kelsey and select guests to delve into the alignment principles of postures, learn some of the subtler practices of yoga, and discuss (in community) the history, philosophy, and many of the modern complexities surrounding this tradition we practice together.
Participants need to have an interest in introspection, a willingness to ask hard questions, and comfort with having more questions than answers when we are done. Light homework and reading will be assigned between sessions. Makeup content will not be formally available (but grab a classmate for tea and share notes!).
We’ll meet Thursdays from 6:45p-7:45p for asana and then stay until 9:15pm for presentations and conversations on topics including the 8 limbs of yoga, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras, history, appropriation, commodification, and power, meditation, pranayama, and more (some content determined by the group).
Dates: October 10, 24, November 7, 21, December 5, 19, January 9, 23, February 6, 20, March 5, 19, April 2, 16, 30, May 7.
Investment: $600 for the year including 16 Align classes (asana sessions). If you already have another studio pass that you will be using for the duration of the course, the fee is $440 (for example, if you have a monthly membership that will cover attending the asana class, you can use that instead). Additionally, we’ve added a $380 price point for those with need for an assist. Scholarships are available, please email hello@ to learn more.
Additionally, participants need to acquire a copy of the following texts (used is encouraged!): Titles announced shortly (and will be emailed to registrants)!
Have you had questions that your 60-minute flow class can’t get to? Are you curious about the history and philosophy of the tradition you are practicing? Are you looking for more ways to integrate the teachings into your life and spiritual journey? Do you want to dig into the hard questions about the power dynamics and commodification of this system? Are you interested in building community around complexity and transformation? If you said yes to any of these questions, this might be a great program for you. Reach out to us with any questions - we welcome all bodies and ability/experience levels. We can’t wait to engage with you.
The program will run alongside the Numi Yoga Teacher Training program and be a requirement for graduation (NYTT current cohort will already be registered). Other yoga teachers encouraged to attend and grow with us - we will all benefit from your participation. RYTs can apply for 40 CE’s with Yoga Alliance upon completion in May.
Join us for a transformational community experience. We are grateful for what you will add!