
Deals that go on through December, so you can enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

We’re not into pressured timelines for deals that privilege those with income at a certain time of the month or year. We do want to offer you a break in the midst of a busy (and too often expensive) time of year so that you can maintain (or establish) a yoga practice that will bring you health in your body, ease in your mind, and rest for your soul.

Details on the Deals:

  • We’re offering you a “month” of unlimited yoga for $60 ($50 for students) that will expire on Dec 31, 2019. Purchase anytime and start using it. We won’t be prorating this deal, so grab it when you can (we’re putting it up early) and enjoy!

  • We’re offering a $70 5-pack of classes that does NOT expire - great for gifting or grab one for your account. Only available through Dec 31, 2019.

  • If you purchase a gift certificate of $50 or more in the studio (or via email), we’ll give you a free class on your account that doesn’t expire. Email us your info or redeem in studio - remind our desk staff, they have a lot going on, too!