Pelvic Floor Party with Sigri Reyes of BumpFit + Rehab

Sunday, February 9, 1:30p at Numi Yoga

Yeah, Squats/Glutes! Hug the midline, anyone?

Yeah, Squats/Glutes! Hug the midline, anyone?

Next up in our community health conversations is the Pelvic Floor! We all have a pelvic floor, but maybe don’t pay attention to it until something feels off. We will focus on the "floor of your core" and discuss common, but certainly not normal, symptoms many folks experience such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and prolapse.

Sigri Reyes (DPT!) will present a lot of information geared towards pregnancy and recovery after birth, AND the information is relevant to all of us because pelvic floor weakness, tightness, and dysfunction (and symptoms) arise from less than ideal use patterns on a regular basis (and exacerbated sometimes by extra load - ex: pregnancy).

Expect to go home with a handout, a new appreciation of your pelvic muscles, some ideas of how to build pelvic integrity and resources for more (hint, hint, she has a mobile physical therapy practice and can come to you!).

And if you’re super excited and want to learn more now, check out her website, or articles by Katy Bowman on the pelvic floor!


Sigri Reyes, PT, DPT is a women's health physical therapist who took a special interest in the field following her personal experience. During her first pregnancy she struggled with healthy weight gain, symphysis pubis dysfunction, low back pain, a 26 hour labor (including an hour of pushing with the help of an epidural), and a slow recovery with diastasis recti postpartum. Since then she has focused all of her time and energy on pre/postnatal therapy and successfully applied her knowledge, practice, and techniques during her second pregnancy and had a completely different outcome with minimal discomfort, was able to deliver her baby with four unmedicated pushes, and a quick recovery to allow her to return to her previous active lifestyle. She is passionate about what she does and desires to spread as much knowledge to all women as possible so they can enjoy the motherhood experience pain free!

Instragram: @bumpfit_rehab