Period 101 with Roni Zelivinski, RN, RYT200
Saturday, November 23rd from 2-4p
Investment: FREE!
Join us for a community conversation around women’s health - this time the focus is menstruation and cycles! There will be a uterine tonic tea and some snacks provided :), all folx welcome!
During our two hour conversation we’ll cover topics including (but not limited to):
1. Physiology of the menstrual cycle- what is happening and why?
2. How to begin charting your cycle and the benefits for your mind+body+spirit in connecting to your natural feminine rhythm
3. A couple words on how birth control works and what it does to your cycle
4. Brief intro to Natural Family Planning
About Roni
Ronit Zelivinski is in her last year of midwifery school at the George Washington University. She has been a practicing Doula and Yoga Teacher for seven and a half years throughout the DMV. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Maryland in 2017 and is currently training with the wonderful midwives at the George Washington University (a blessing!).
Over the years, her intimate work with families and individual yogis has led her to find deep reverence in the power of bodies to heal themselves. She is particularly interested in supporting women in overcoming emotional trauma to birth in bliss, peace, and presence. She has supported over seventy families as a Doula and home birth nurse and is a passionate advocate for ecstatic birth.
More recently Ronit has been investing energy in learning about traditional nutrition, food as medicine, herbalism, and homeopathy. After six years of living with PCOS and battling the arduous cycle of progesterone pills, birth control and irregular bleeds, Ronit restored her fertility and healed her own cycle through diet and lifestyle modifications. Ronit is a fierce advocate for connecting to the root of suffering+pain and as a Midwife will continue to support women in their journeys to regaining body sovereignty and health from within.